First and foremost I am a Mom of a fast growing young man named Jayden who is a ripe old age of 15. He is such a good kid I feel blessed every day.
I have been married for 8 years to a wonderful man who is my best friend (most days *wink*), my confidant, my soul mate. We spend many a day’s laughing and teasing each other terribly.
The last mention of the family is our German Shorthair “Trout”. Amazingly enough this dog has been the best dog. He is a great bird hunter and makes his “dad” proud.
Our family loves to spend our summers checking out new camping destinations and everything that goes along with it! Living in Idaho there are many many new destinations to uncover. We fish, hike, swim (whenever possible), 4 wheel, use the chain saw (I call my husband “Tim Taylor” for short), cook in the Dutch oven (MmMm), sit by the fire at night and just slow down a little to enjoy each other. I love summer!
Winter… not so much. (That’s a whole story in itself)
How I spend my days.
Monday through Friday I work part time in a High School Kitchen. Yes... I am a Lunch lady, and I love it! :) 4 days a week I baby sit my 3 year old nephew and (soon to be) 2 year old niece. While juggling family life, work, baby sitting, and scrapping I have somehow managed to add Blogging to my life!
How I became a blogger.
Less than a year ago (July ’09) I decided to go back to my home town to visit Mom & Dad (who had just moved back), Aunts & Uncles, childhood friends, etc…. Early one morning Auntie (Owner of casually asks me if I wanted to run her Blogs. As I am slightly choking on my cup of folgers she explains that she just doesn’t have the time to do it because the store keeps her too busy. At this point all I say is “What’s a blog?” HA! Funny huh. Like who in this internet age doesn’t know what a blog is.
So long story short and one day of training later… VIOLA! Blog on Baby! Now I am totally addicted and trying to learn everything I can to be a great Host for you all!
So come on in! Welcome to my “Domain” (puny right?) Kick off your shoes, grab a Coke, Play a game (challenge or otherwise), share some love and meet new friends.
But most of all HAVE FUN & SCRAP CRAZY!
Thanx for coming by. I hope you enjoy your stay.